
The fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal emulator

  • Linux

  • macOS

  • Various BSDs

Pioneered various extensions to move the entire terminal ecosystem forward

To get started see Quickstart.

Watch kitty in action!

Timestamps for the above video:


Pager: View command output in same window: Ctrl+Shift+g

Pager: View command output in a separate window

Pager: Uses shell integration in kitty

Tab text: The output of cwd and last cmd

Open files from ls output with mouse: Ctrl+Shift+Right-click

Open files from ls output with keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+P>y

Open files on click: ls --hyperlink=auto

Open files on click: Filetype settings in open-actions.conf

hyperlinked-grep kitten: Open grep output in editor

Remote-file kitten: View remote files locally

Remote-file kitten: Edit remote files locally

icat kitten: View images directly

icat kitten: Download & display image/gif from internet

Kitty Graphics Protocol: Live image preview in ranger

icat kitten: Display image from remote server

unicode-input kitten: Emojis in terminal

Windows: Intro

Windows: Switch focus: Ctrl+Shift+win_nr

Windows: Visual selection: Ctrl+Shift+F7

Windows: Simultaneous input

Interactive Kitty Shell: Ctrl+Shift+Esc

Broadcast text: launch --allow-remote-control kitten broadcast

Kitty Remote Control Protocol

Interactive Kitty Shell: Help

Choose theme interactively: kitten themes -h

Choose theme by name: kitten themes [options] [theme_name]