Mouse pointer shapes

Added in version 0.31.0.

This is a simple escape code that can be used by terminal programs to change the shape of the mouse pointer. This is useful for buttons/links, dragging to resize panes, etc. It is based on the original escape code proposal from xterm however, it properly specifies names for the different shapes in a system independent manner, adds a stack for easy push/pop of shapes, allows programs to query support and specifies interaction with other terminal state.

The escape code is of the form:

<OSC> 22 ; <optional first char> <comma-separates list of shape names> <ESC>\

Here, <OSC> is the bytes <ESC>] and <ESC> is the byte 0x1b. Spaces in the above are present for clarity only and should not be actually used.

First some examples:

# Set the pointer to a pointing hand
<OSC> 22 ; pointer <ESC>\
# Reset the pointer to default
<OSC> 22 ; <ESC>\
# Push a shape onto the stack making it the current shape
<OSC> 22 ; >wait <ESC>\
# Pop a shape off the stack restoring to the previous shape
<OSC> 22 ; < <ESC>\
# Query the terminal for what the currently set shape is
<OSC> 22 ; ?__current__ <ESC>\

To demo the various shapes, simply run the following command inside kitty:

kitten mouse-demo

For more details see below.

Setting the pointer shape

For set operations, the optional first char can be either = or omitted. Follow the first char with the name of the shape. See the Pointer shape names table.

Pushing and popping shapes onto the stack

The terminal emulator maintains a stack of shapes. To add shapes to the stack, the optional first char must be > followed by a comma separated list of shape names. See the Pointer shape names table. All the specified names are added to the stack, with the last name being the top of the stack and the current shape. If the stack is full, the entry at the bottom of the stack is evicted. Terminal implementations are free to choose an appropriate maximum stack size, with a minimum stack size of 16.

To pop shapes of the top of the stack the optional first char must be <. The comma separated list of names is ignored. Once the stack is empty further pops have no effect. An empty stack means the terminal is free to use whatever pointer shape it likes.

Querying support

Terminal programs can ask the terminal about this feature by setting the optional first char to ?. The comma separated list of names is then considered the query to which the terminal must respond with an OSC 22 code. For example:

<OSC> 22 ; ?__current__ <ESC>\
results in
<OSC> 22 ; shape_name <ESC>\

Here, shape_name will be a name from the table of shape names below or 0 if the stack is empty, i.e., no shape is currently set.

To check if the terminal supports some shapes, pass the shape names and the terminal will reply with a comma separated list of zeros and ones where 1 means the shape name is supported and zero means it is not. For example:

<OSC> 22 ; ?pointer,crosshair,no-such-name,wait <ESC>\
results in
<OSC> 22 ; 1,1,0,1 <ESC>\

In addition to __current__ there are a couple of other special names:

__default__ - The terminal responds with the shape name of the shape used by default
__grabbed__ - The terminal responds with the shape name of the shape used when the mouse is "grabbed"

Interaction with other terminal features

The terminal must maintain separate shape stacks for the main and alternate screens. This allows full screen programs, which are likely to be the main consumers of this feature, to easily temporarily switch back from the alternate screen, without needing to worry about pointer shape state. Think of suspending a terminal editor to get back to the shell, for example.

Resetting the terminal must empty both the shape stacks.

When dragging to select text, the terminal is free to ignore any mouse pointer shape specified using this escape code in favor of one appropriate for dragging. Similarly, when hovering over a URL or OSC 8 based hyperlink, the terminal may choose to change the mouse pointer regardless of the value set by this escape code.

This feature is independent of mouse reporting. The changed pointer shapes apply regardless of whether the terminal program has enabled mouse reporting or not.

Pointer shape names

There is a well defined set of shape names that all conforming terminal emulators must support. The list is based on the names used by the cursor property in the CSS standard, click the link to see representative images for the names. Valid names must consist of only the characters from the set a-z0-9_-.

  1. alias

  2. cell

  3. copy

  4. crosshair

  5. default

  6. e-resize

  7. ew-resize

  8. grab

  9. grabbing

  10. help

  11. move

  12. n-resize

  13. ne-resize

  14. nesw-resize

  15. no-drop

  16. not-allowed

  17. ns-resize

  18. nw-resize

  19. nwse-resize

  20. pointer

  21. progress

  22. s-resize

  23. se-resize

  24. sw-resize

  25. text

  26. vertical-text

  27. w-resize

  28. wait

  29. zoom-in

  30. zoom-out

To demo the various shapes, simply run the following command inside kitty:

kitten mouse-demo

Legacy xterm compatibility

The original xterm proposal for this escape code used shape names from the X11/cursorfont.h header on X11 based systems. Terminal implementations wishing to maintain compatibility with xterm can also implement these names as aliases for the CSS based names defined in the Pointer shape names table.

The simplest mode of operation of this escape code, which is no leading optional char and a single shape name is compatible with xterm.