Shell integration

kitty has the ability to integrate closely within common shells, such as zsh, fish and bash to enable features such as jumping to previous prompts in the scrollback, viewing the output of the last command in less, using the mouse to move the cursor while editing prompts, etc.

Added in version 0.24.0.


  • Open the output of the last command in a pager such as less (ctrl+shift+g)

  • Jump to the previous/next prompt in the scrollback (ctrl+shift+z / ctrl+shift+x)

  • Click with the mouse anywhere in the current command to move the cursor there

  • Hold Ctrl+Shift and right-click on any command output in the scrollback to view it in a pager

  • The current working directory or the command being executed are automatically displayed in the kitty window titlebar/tab title

  • The text cursor is changed to a bar when editing commands at the shell prompt

  • Clone the current shell into a new window with all environment variables and the working directory copied

  • Edit files in new kitty windows even over SSH

  • Glitch free window resizing even with complex prompts. Achieved by erasing the prompt on resize and allowing the shell to redraw it cleanly.

  • Sophisticated completion for the kitty command in the shell.

  • When confirming a quit command if a window is sitting at a shell prompt, it is not counted (for details, see confirm_os_window_close)


Shell integration is controlled by the shell_integration option. By default, all integration features are enabled. Individual features can be turned off or it can be disabled entirely as well. The shell_integration option takes a space separated list of keywords:


Turn off all shell integration. The shell’s launch environment is not modified and KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION is not set. Useful for manual integration.


Do not modify the shell’s launch environment to enable integration. Useful if you prefer to load the kitty shell integration code yourself, either as part of manual integration or because you have some other software that sets up shell integration. This will still set the KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION environment variable when kitty runs the shell.


Turn off changing of the text cursor to a bar when editing shell command line.


Turn off setting the kitty window/tab title based on shell state. Note that for the fish shell kitty relies on fish’s native title setting functionality instead.


Turn off reporting the current working directory. This is used to allow new_window_with_cwd and similar to open windows logged into remote machines using the ssh kitten automatically with the same working directory as the current window. Note that for the fish shell this will not disable its built-in current working directory reporting.


Turn off marking of prompts. This disables jumping to prompt, browsing output of last command and click to move cursor functionality. Note that for the fish shell this does not take effect, since fish always marks prompts.


Turn off completion for the kitty command. Note that for the fish shell this does not take effect, since fish already comes with a kitty completion script.


Do not alias sudo to ensure the kitty terminfo files are available in the sudo environment. This is needed if you have sudo configured to disable setting of environment variables on the command line. By default, if sudo is configured to allow all commands for the current user, setting of environment variables at the command line is also allowed. Only if commands are restricted is this needed.

More ways to browse command output

You can add further key and mouse bindings to browse the output of commands easily. For example to select the output of a command by right clicking the mouse on the output, define the following in kitty.conf:

mouse_map right press ungrabbed mouse_select_command_output

Now, when you right click on the output, the entire output is selected, ready to be copied.

The feature to jump to previous prompts ( ctrl+shift+z and ctrl+shift+x) and mouse actions (mouse_select_command_output and mouse_show_command_output) can be integrated with browsing command output as well. For example, define the following mapping in kitty.conf:

map f1 show_last_visited_command_output

Now, pressing F1 will cause the output of the last jumped to command or the last mouse clicked command output to be opened in a pager for easy browsing.

In addition, You can define shortcut to get the first command output on screen. For example, define the following in kitty.conf:

map f1 show_first_command_output_on_screen

Now, pressing F1 will cause the output of the first command output on screen to be opened in a pager.

You can also add shortcut to scroll to the last jumped position. For example, define the following in kitty.conf:

map f1 scroll_to_prompt 0

How it works

At startup, kitty detects if the shell you have configured (either system wide or the shell option in kitty.conf) is a supported shell. If so, kitty injects some shell specific code into the shell, to enable shell integration. How it does so varies for different shells.

For zsh, kitty sets the ZDOTDIR environment variable to make zsh load kitty’s .zshenv which restores the original value of ZDOTDIR and sources the original .zshenv. It then loads the shell integration code. The remainder of zsh’s startup process proceeds as normal.

For fish, to make it automatically load the integration code provided by kitty, the integration script directory path is prepended to the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable. This is only applied to the fish process and will be cleaned up by the integration script after startup. No files are added or modified.

For bash, kitty starts bash in POSIX mode, using the environment variable ENV to load the shell integration script. This prevents bash from loading any startup files itself. The loading of the startup files is done by the integration script, after disabling POSIX mode. From the perspective of those scripts there should be no difference to running vanilla bash.

Then, when launching the shell, kitty sets the environment variable KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION to the value of the shell_integration option. The shell integration code reads the environment variable, turns on the specified integration functionality and then unsets the variable so as to not pollute the system.

The actual shell integration code uses hooks provided by each shell to send special escape codes to kitty, to perform the various tasks. You can see the code used for each shell below:

Click to toggle shell integration code
# Enables integration between zsh and kitty based on KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION.
# The latter is set by kitty based on kitty.conf.
# This is an autoloadable function. It's invoked automatically in shells
# directly spawned by kitty but not in any other shells. For example, running
# `exec zsh`, `sudo -E zsh`, `tmux`, or plain `zsh` will create a shell where
# kitty-integration won't automatically run. Zsh users who want integration with
# kitty in all shells should add the following lines to their .zshrc:
#   if [[ -n "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR" ]]; then
#     export KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION="enabled"
#     autoload -Uz -- "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR"/shell-integration/zsh/kitty-integration
#     kitty-integration
#     unfunction kitty-integration
#   fi
# Implementation note: We can assume that alias expansion is disabled in this
# file, so no need to quote defensively. We still have to defensively prefix all
# builtins with `builtin` to avoid accidentally invoking user-defined functions.
# We avoid `function` reserved word as an additional defensive measure.

builtin emulate -L zsh -o no_warn_create_global -o no_aliases

[[ -o interactive ]]                || builtin return 0  # non-interactive shell
[[ -n "$KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION" ]] || builtin return 0  # integration disabled
(( ! $+_ksi_state ))                || builtin return 0  # already initialized

# 0: no OSC 133 [AC] marks have been written yet.
# 1: the last written OSC 133 C has not been closed with D yet.
# 2: none of the above.
builtin typeset -gi _ksi_state

# Attempt to create a writable file descriptor to the TTY so that we can print
# to the TTY later even when STDOUT is redirected. This code is fairly subtle.
# - It's tempting to do `[[ -t 1 ]] && exec {_ksi_state}>&1` but we cannot do this
#   because it'll create a file descriptor >= 10 without O_CLOEXEC. This file
#   descriptor will leak to child processes.
# - If we do `exec {3}>&1`, the file descriptor won't leak to the child processes
#   but it'll still leak if the current process is replaced with another. In
#   addition, it'll break user code that relies on fd 3 being available.
# - Zsh doesn't expose dup3, which would have allowed us to copy STDOUT with
#   O_CLOEXEC. The only way to create a file descriptor with O_CLOEXEC is via
#   sysopen.
# - `zmodload zsh/system` and `sysopen -o cloexec -wu _ksi_fd -- /dev/tty` can
#   fail with an error message to STDERR (the latter can happen even if /dev/tty
#   is writable), hence the redirection of STDERR. We do it for the whole block
#   for performance reasons (redirections are slow).
# - We must open the file descriptor right here rather than in _ksi_deferred_init
#   because there are broken zsh plugins out there that run `exec {fd}< <(cmd)`
#   and then close the file descriptor more than once while suppressing errors.
#   This could end up closing our file descriptor if we opened it in
#   _ksi_deferred_init.
typeset -gi _ksi_fd
    builtin zmodload zsh/system && (( $+builtins[sysopen] )) && {
        { [[ -w     $TTY ]] && builtin sysopen -o cloexec -wu _ksi_fd --     $TTY } ||
        { [[ -w /dev/tty ]] && builtin sysopen -o cloexec -wu _ksi_fd -- /dev/tty }
} 2>/dev/null || (( _ksi_fd = 1 ))

# Asks kitty to print $@ to its STDERR. This is for debugging.
_ksi_debug_print() {
    builtin local data
    data=$(builtin command base64 <<<"${(j: :)@}") || builtin return
    # Removing all spaces rather than just \n allows this code to
    # work on broken systems where base64 outputs \r\n.
    builtin print -nu "$_ksi_fd" '\eP@kitty-print|'"${data//[[:space:]]}"'\e\\'

# We defer initialization until precmd for several reasons:
# - Oh My Zsh and many other configs remove zle-line-init and
#   zle-line-finish hooks when they initialize.
# - By deferring initialization we allow user rc files to opt out from some
#   parts of integration. For example, if a zshrc theme prints OSC 133
#   marks, it can append " no-prompt-mark" to KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION during
#   initialization to avoid redundant marks from our code.
builtin typeset -ag precmd_functions

_ksi_deferred_init() {
    builtin emulate -L zsh -o no_warn_create_global -o no_aliases

    # Recognized options: no-cursor, no-title, no-prompt-mark, no-complete, no-cwd, no-sudo.
    builtin local -a opt
    opt=(${(s: :)KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION})

    # The directory where kitty-integration is located: /.../shell-integration/zsh.
    builtin local self_dir="${functions_source[_ksi_deferred_init]:A:h}"
    # The directory with _kitty. We store it in a directory of its own rather than
    # in $self_dir because we are adding it to fpath and we don't want any other
    # files to be accidentally autoloadable.
    builtin local comp_dir="$self_dir/completions"

    # Enable completions for `kitty` command.
    if (( ! opt[(Ie)no-complete] )) && [[ -r $comp_dir/_kitty ]]; then
        if (( $+functions[compdef] )); then
            # If compdef is defined, then either compinit has already run or it's
            # a shim that records all calls for the purpose of replaying them after
            # compinit. Either way we clobber the existing completion for kitty and
            # install our own.
            builtin unset "functions[_kitty]"
            builtin autoload -Uz -- $comp_dir/_kitty
            compdef _kitty kitty
            compdef _kitty clone-in-kitty
            compdef _kitty kitten

        # If compdef is not set, compinit has not run yet. In this case we must
        # add our completions directory to fpath so that _kitty gets picked up by
        # compinit.
        # We extend fpath even if compinit has run because it might run again.
        # Without our completions directory in fpath compinit would our _comp
        # mapping.
        builtin typeset -ga fpath
        fpath=($comp_dir ${fpath:#$comp_dir})

    # Enable semantic markup with OSC 133.
    if (( ! opt[(Ie)no-prompt-mark] )); then
        _ksi_precmd() {
            builtin local -i cmd_status=$?
            builtin emulate -L zsh -o no_warn_create_global -o no_aliases

            # Don't write OSC 133 D when our precmd handler is invoked from zle.
            # Some plugins do that to update prompt on cd.
            if ! builtin zle; then
                # This code works incorrectly in the presence of a precmd or chpwd
                # hook that prints. For example, sindresorhus/pure prints an empty
                # line on precmd and marlonrichert/zsh-snap prints $PWD on chpwd.
                # We'll end up writing our OSC 133 D mark too late.
                # Another failure mode is when the output of a command doesn't end
                # with LF and prompst_sp is set (it is by default). In this case
                # we'll incorrectly state that '%' from prompt_sp is a part of the
                # command's output.
                if (( _ksi_state == 1 )); then
                    # The last written OSC 133 C has not been closed with D yet.
                    # Close it and supply status.
                    builtin print -nu $_ksi_fd '\e]133;D;'$cmd_status'\a'
                    (( _ksi_state = 2 ))
                elif (( _ksi_state == 2 )); then
                    # There might be an unclosed OSC 133 C. Close that.
                    builtin print -nu $_ksi_fd '\e]133;D\a'

            builtin local mark1=$'%{\e]133;A\a%}'
            if [[ -o prompt_percent ]]; then
                builtin typeset -g precmd_functions
                if [[ ${precmd_functions[-1]} == _ksi_precmd ]]; then
                    # This is the best case for us: we can add our marks to PS1 and
                    # PS2. This way our marks will be printed whenever zsh
                    # redisplays prompt: on reset-prompt, on SIGWINCH, and on
                    # SIGCHLD if notify is set. Themes that update prompt
                    # asynchronously from a `zle -F` handler might still remove our
                    # marks. Oh well.
                    builtin local mark2=$'%{\e]133;A;k=s\a%}'
                    # Add marks conditionally to avoid a situation where we have
                    # several marks in place. These conditions can have false
                    # positives and false negatives though.
                    # - False positive (with prompt_percent): PS1="%(?.$mark1.)"
                    # - False negative (with prompt_subst):   PS1='$mark1'
                    [[ $PS1 == *$mark1* ]] || PS1=${mark1}${PS1}
                    # PS2 mark is needed when clearing the prompt on resize
                    [[ $PS2 == *$mark2* ]] || PS2=${mark2}${PS2}
                    (( _ksi_state = 2 ))
                    # If our precmd hook is not the last, we cannot rely on prompt
                    # changes to stick, so we don't even try. At least we can move
                    # our hook to the end to have better luck next time. If there is
                    # another piece of code that wants to take this privileged
                    # position, this won't work well. We'll break them as much as
                    # they are breaking us.
                    precmd_functions=(${precmd_functions:#_ksi_precmd} _ksi_precmd)
                    # Plugins that invoke precmd hooks from zle do that before zle
                    # is trashed. This means that the cursor is in the middle of
                    # BUFFER and we cannot print our mark there. Prompt might
                    # already have a mark, so the following reset-prompt will write
                    # it. If it doesn't, there is nothing we can do.
                    if ! builtin zle; then
                        builtin print -rnu $_ksi_fd -- $mark1[3,-3]
                        (( _ksi_state = 2 ))
            elif ! builtin zle; then
                # Without prompt_percent we cannot patch prompt. Just print the
                # mark, except when we are invoked from zle. In the latter case we
                # cannot do anything.
                builtin print -rnu $_ksi_fd -- $mark1[3,-3]
                (( _ksi_state = 2 ))

        _ksi_preexec() {
            builtin emulate -L zsh -o no_warn_create_global -o no_aliases

            # This can potentially break user prompt. Oh well. The robustness of
            # this code can be improved in the case prompt_subst is set because
            # it'll allow us distinguish (not perfectly but close enough) between
            # our own prompt, user prompt, and our own prompt with user additions on
            # top. We cannot force prompt_subst on the user though, so we would
            # still need this code for the no_prompt_subst case.

            # This will work incorrectly in the presence of a preexec hook that
            # prints. For example, if MichaelAquilina/zsh-you-should-use installs
            # its preexec hook before us, we'll incorrectly mark its output as
            # belonging to the command (as if the user typed it into zle) rather
            # than command output.
            builtin print -nu "$_ksi_fd" -f '\e]133;C;cmdline=%q\a' "$1"
            (( _ksi_state = 1 ))

        # the following two lines are commented out as currently kitty doesn't use B prompt marking
        # and hooking zle widgets in ZSH is a total minefield, see
        # so we can at least tell users to use no-cursor and with that avoid hooking ZLE widgets at all
        # functions[_ksi_zle_line_init]+='
        #     builtin print -nu "$_ksi_fd" "\\e]133;B\\a"'

    # Enable reporting current working dir to terminal
    if (( ! opt[(Ie)no-cwd] )); then
        _ksi_report_pwd() { builtin print -nu $_ksi_fd '\e]7;kitty-shell-cwd://'"$HOST""$PWD"'\a'; }
        chpwd_functions=(${chpwd_functions[@]} "_ksi_report_pwd")
        # An executed program could change cwd and report the changed cwd, so also report cwd at each new prompt
        # as in this case chpwd_functions is insufficient. chpwd_functions is still needed for things like: cd x && something

    # Enable terminal title changes.
    if (( ! opt[(Ie)no-title] )); then
        # We don't use `print -P` because it depends on prompt options, which
        # we don't control and cannot change.
        # We use (V) in preexec to convert control characters to something visible
        # (LF becomes \n, etc.). This isn't necessary in precmd because (%) does it
        # for us.
        builtin local is_ssh_session="n"
        if [[ -n "$KITTY_PID" ]]; then
            # kitty running locally
        elif [[ -n "$SSH_TTY" || -n "$SSH2_TTY$KITTY_WINDOW_ID" ]]; then
            # connected to most SSH servers
            # or use ssh kitten to connected to some SSH servers that do not set SSH_TTY
        elif [[ -n "$(builtin command -v who)" ]]; then
            # the shell integration script is installed manually on the remote system
            # the environment variables are cleared after sudo
            # OpenSSH's sshd creates entries in utmp for every login so use those
            [[ "$(builtin command who -m 2> /dev/null)" =~ "\([a-fA-F.:0-9]+\)$" ]] && is_ssh_session="y"

        if [[ "$is_ssh_session" == "y" ]]; then
            # show the hostname via %m for SSH sessions
                builtin print -Prnu $_ksi_fd \$'\\e]2;'\"%m: \${(%):-%(4~|…/%3~|%~)}\"\$'\\a'"
                builtin print -Prnu $_ksi_fd \$'\\e]2;'\"%m: \${(V)1}\"\$'\\a'"
                builtin print -rnu $_ksi_fd \$'\\e]2;'\"\${(%):-%(4~|…/%3~|%~)}\"\$'\\a'"
                builtin print -rnu $_ksi_fd \$'\\e]2;'\"\${(V)1}\"\$'\\a'"

    # Enable cursor shape changes depending on the current keymap.
    if (( ! opt[(Ie)no-cursor] )); then
        # This implementation leaks blinking block cursor into external commands
        # executed from zle. For example, users of fzf-based widgets may find
        # themselves with a blinking block cursor within fzf.
        _ksi_zle_line_init _ksi_zle_line_finish _ksi_zle_keymap_select() {
            case ${KEYMAP-} in
                # Blinking block cursor.
                vicmd|visual) builtin print -nu "$_ksi_fd" '\e[1 q';;
                # Blinking bar cursor.
                *)            builtin print -nu "$_ksi_fd" '\e[5 q';;
        # Restore the blinking default shape before executing an external command
            builtin print -rnu $_ksi_fd \$'\\e[0 q'"

    # Some zsh users manually run `source ~/.zshrc` in order to apply rc file
    # changes to the current shell. This is a terrible practice that breaks many
    # things, including our shell integration. For example, Oh My Zsh and Prezto
    # (both very popular among zsh users) will remove zle-line-init and
    # zle-line-finish hooks if .zshrc is manually sourced. Prezto will also remove
    # zle-keymap-select.
    # Another common (and much more robust) way to apply rc file changes to the
    # current shell is `exec zsh`. This will remove our integration from the shell
    # unless it's explicitly invoked from .zshrc. This is not an issue with
    # `exec zsh` but rather with our implementation of automatic shell integration.

    # In the ideal world we would use add-zle-hook-widget to hook zle-line-init
    # and similar widget. This breaks user configs though, so we have do this
    # horrible thing instead.
    builtin local hook func widget orig_widget flag
    for hook in line-init line-finish keymap-select; do
        (( $+functions[$func] )) || builtin continue
        if [[ $widgets[$widget] == user:azhw:* &&
              $+functions[add-zle-hook-widget] -eq 1 ]]; then
            # If the widget is already hooked by add-zle-hook-widget at the top
            # level, add our hook at the end. We MUST do it this way. We cannot
            # just wrap the widget ourselves in this case because it would
            # trigger bugs in add-zle-hook-widget.
            add-zle-hook-widget $hook $func
            if (( $+widgets[$widget] )); then
                # There is a widget but it's not from add-zle-hook-widget. We
                # can rename the original widget, install our own and invoke
                # the original when we are called.
                # Note: The leading dot is to work around bugs in
                # zsh-syntax-highlighting.
                builtin zle -A $widget $orig_widget
                if [[ $widgets[$widget] == user:* ]]; then
                    # No -w here to preserve $WIDGET within the original widget.
                    builtin zle $orig_widget -N$flag -- \"\$@\""
            builtin zle -N $widget $func

    if (( $+functions[_ksi_preexec] )); then
        builtin typeset -ag preexec_functions

    builtin typeset -ag precmd_functions
    if (( $+functions[_ksi_precmd] )); then

    if [ -n "${KITTY_IS_CLONE_LAUNCH}" ]; then
        builtin local orig_conda_env="$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
        builtin eval "${KITTY_IS_CLONE_LAUNCH}"
        builtin hash -r 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null
        builtin local venv="${VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin/activate"
        builtin local sourced=""
        _ksi_s_is_ok() {
            [[ -z "$sourced" && "$KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_STRATEGIES" == *",$1,"* ]] && builtin return 0
            builtin return 1

        if _ksi_s_is_ok "venv" && [[ -n "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" && -r "$venv" ]]; then
            builtin unset VIRTUAL_ENV
            builtin source "$venv"
        fi; if _ksi_s_is_ok "conda" && [[ -n "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}" && (( $+commands[conda] )) && "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}" != "$orig_conda_env" ]]; then
            conda activate "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}"
        fi; if _ksi_s_is_ok "env_var" && [[ -n "${KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_CODE}" ]]; then
            builtin eval "${KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_CODE}"
        fi; if _ksi_s_is_ok "path" && [[ -r "${KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_PATH}" ]]; then
            builtin source "${KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_PATH}"
        builtin unfunction _ksi_s_is_ok
        # Ensure PATH has no duplicate entries
        builtin typeset -gxU PATH="$PATH"

    builtin alias edit-in-kitty="kitten edit-in-kitty"

    if (( ! opt[(Ie)no-sudo] )) ; then
        if [[ -n "$TERMINFO" && ! ( -r "/usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-kitty" || -r "/usr/share/terminfo/78/xterm-kitty" ) ]]; then
            sudo() {
                # Ensure terminfo is available in sudo
                builtin local is_sudoedit="n"
                for arg; do
                    if [[ "$arg" == "-e" || $arg == "--edit" ]]; then
                        builtin break;
                    [[ "$arg" != -* && "$arg" != *=* ]] && builtin break  # command found
                if [[ "$is_sudoedit" == "y" ]]; then
                    builtin command sudo "$@";
                    builtin command sudo TERMINFO="$TERMINFO" "$@";

    # Map alt+left/right to move by word if not already mapped. This is expected behavior on macOS and I am tired
    # of answering questions about it.
    [[ $(builtin bindkey "^[[1;3C") == *" undefined-key" ]] && builtin bindkey "^[[1;3C" "forward-word"
    [[ $(builtin bindkey "^[[1;3D") == *" undefined-key" ]] && builtin bindkey "^[[1;3D" "backward-word"

    # Unfunction _ksi_deferred_init to save memory. Don't unfunction
    # kitty-integration though because decent public functions aren't supposed to
    # to unfunction themselves when invoked. Unfunctioning is done by calling code.
    builtin unfunction _ksi_deferred_init

_ksi_transmit_data() {
    builtin local data="${1//[[:space:]]}"
    builtin local pos=0
    builtin local chunk_num=0
    while [ $pos -lt ${#data} ]; do
        builtin local chunk="${data:$pos:2048}"
        builtin print -nu "$_ksi_fd" -f '\eP@kitty-%s|%s:%s\e\\' "${2}" "${chunk_num}" "${chunk}"
    # save history so it is available in new shell
    [ "$3" = "save_history" ] && builtin fc -AI
    builtin print -nu "$_ksi_fd" -f '\eP@kitty-%s|\e\\' "${2}"

clone-in-kitty() {
    builtin local data="shell=zsh,pid=$$,cwd=$(builtin printf "%s" "$PWD" | builtin command base64)"
    while :; do
        case "$1" in
            "") break;;
                builtin printf "%s\n\n%s\n" "Clone the current zsh session into a new kitty window." "For usage instructions see:"
                builtin return
            *) data="$data,a=$(builtin printf "%s" "$1" | builtin command base64)";;
    builtin local env
    builtin local env_vars
    builtin local varname
    env_vars=(${(f)"$(builtin export)"})
    for i in $env_vars; do
        env="${env}$(builtin printf "%s=%s\0" "$varname" "${(P)varname}")"
    data="$data,env=$(builtin printf "%s" "$env" | builtin command base64)"
    _ksi_transmit_data "$data" "clone" "save_history"

# To use fish's autoloading feature, kitty prepends the vendored integration script directory to XDG_DATA_DIRS.
# The original paths needs to be restored here to not affect other programs.
# In particular, if the original XDG_DATA_DIRS does not exist, it needs to be removed.
    if set -q XDG_DATA_DIRS
        set --global --export --path XDG_DATA_DIRS "$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
        if set --local index (contains --index "$KITTY_FISH_XDG_DATA_DIR" $XDG_DATA_DIRS)
            set --erase --global XDG_DATA_DIRS[$index]
            test -n "$XDG_DATA_DIRS" || set --erase --global XDG_DATA_DIRS
        if set -q XDG_DATA_DIRS
            set --global --export --unpath XDG_DATA_DIRS "$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
    set --erase KITTY_FISH_XDG_DATA_DIR

status is-interactive || exit 0
not functions -q __ksi_schedule || exit 0
# Check fish version 3.3.0+ efficiently and fallback to check the minimum working version 3.2.0, exit on outdated versions.
# "Warning: Update fish to version 3.3.0+ to enable kitty shell integration.\n"
set -q fish_killring || set -q status_generation || string match -qnv "3.1.*" "$version"
or echo -en \eP@kitty-print\|V2FybmluZzogVXBkYXRlIGZpc2ggdG8gdmVyc2lvbiAzLjMuMCsgdG8gZW5hYmxlIGtpdHR5IHNoZWxsIGludGVncmF0aW9uLgo=\e\\ && exit 0 || exit 0

function __ksi_schedule --on-event fish_prompt -d "Setup kitty integration after other scripts have run, we hope"
    functions --erase __ksi_schedule
    test -n "$KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION" || return 0
    set --local _ksi (string split " " -- "$KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION")

    # Enable cursor shape changes for default mode and vi mode
    if not contains "no-cursor" $_ksi
        function __ksi_set_cursor --on-variable fish_key_bindings -d "Set the cursor shape for different modes when switching key bindings"
            if test "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_default_key_bindings
                function __ksi_bar_cursor --on-event fish_prompt -d "Set cursor shape to blinking bar on prompt"
                    echo -en "\e[5 q"
                # Change the cursor shape on first run
                set -q argv[1]
                and __ksi_bar_cursor
                functions --erase __ksi_bar_cursor
                contains "$fish_key_bindings" fish_vi_key_bindings fish_hybrid_key_bindings
                and __ksi_set_vi_cursor

        function __ksi_set_vi_cursor -d "Set the vi mode cursor shapes"
            # Set the vi mode cursor shapes only when none of them are configured
            set --local vi_modes fish_cursor_{default,insert,replace_one,visual}
            set -q $vi_modes
            test "$status" -eq 4 || return

            set --local vi_cursor_shapes block line underscore block
            for i in 1 2 3 4
                set --global $vi_modes[$i] $vi_cursor_shapes[$i] blink

            # Change the cursor shape for current mode
            test "$fish_bind_mode" = "insert" && echo -en "\e[5 q" || echo -en "\e[1 q"

        function __ksi_default_cursor --on-event fish_preexec -d "Set cursor shape to blinking default shape before executing command"
            echo -en "\e[0 q"

        __ksi_set_cursor init

    # Enable prompt marking with OSC 133
    if not contains "no-prompt-mark" $_ksi and not set -q __ksi_prompt_state
        set --local suffix ''
        if bind --function-names | string match -q forward-char-passive
            set suffix '-passive'
        # fish 3.8 emits prompt markers, so we don't need to. It also is the
        # first version to define forward-char-passive so use that as a test to detect it
        if test "$suffix" = ""
            function __ksi_mark_prompt_start --on-event fish_prompt --on-event fish_cancel --on-event fish_posterror
                test "$__ksi_prompt_state" != prompt-start
                and echo -en "\e]133;D\a"
                set --global __ksi_prompt_state prompt-start
                echo -en "\e]133;A;special_key=1\a"

            function __ksi_mark_output_start --on-event fish_preexec
                set --global __ksi_prompt_state pre-exec
                printf '\e]133;C;cmdline_url=%s\a' (string escape --style=url -- "$argv")

            function __ksi_mark_output_end --on-event fish_postexec
                set --global __ksi_prompt_state post-exec
                echo -en "\e]133;D;$status\a"

            # With prompt marking, kitty clears the current prompt on resize,
            # so we need fish to redraw it.
            set --global fish_handle_reflow 1

        # Binding for special key to move cursor on mouse click without triggering any
        # autocompletion or other effects
        for mode in (bind --list-modes | string match -v paste)  # bind in all modes except paste
            bind --preset -M "$mode" \e\[1u "forward-char$suffix"
            bind --preset -M "$mode" \e\[1\;1u "backward-char$suffix"

    # Enable CWD reporting
    if not contains "no-cwd" $_ksi
        # This function name is from fish and will override the builtin one, which is enabled by default for kitty in fish 3.5.0+.
        # We provide this to ensure that fish 3.2.0 and above will work.
        # An executed program could change cwd and report the changed cwd, so also report cwd at each new prompt
        function __update_cwd_osc --on-variable PWD --on-event fish_prompt -d "Report PWD changes to kitty"
            status is-command-substitution
            or echo -en "\e]7;kitty-shell-cwd://$hostname$PWD\a"

    # Note that neither alias nor function is recursive in fish so if the user defines an alias/function
    # for sudo it will be clobbered by us, so only install this if sudo is not already function
    if not contains "no-sudo" $_ksi
        and test -n "$TERMINFO" -a "file" = (type -t sudo 2> /dev/null || echo "x")
        and not test -r "/usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-kitty" -o -r "/usr/share/terminfo/78/xterm-kitty"
        # Ensure terminfo is available in sudo
        function sudo
            set --local is_sudoedit "n"
            for arg in $argv
                if string match -q -- "-e" "$arg" or string match -q -- "--edit" "$arg"
                    set is_sudoedit "y"
                if not string match -r -q -- "^-" "$arg" and not string match -r -q -- "=" "$arg"
                    break  # reached the command
            if string match -q -- "$is_sudoedit" "y"
                command sudo $argv
                command sudo TERMINFO="$TERMINFO" $argv

    # Handle clone launches
    if test -n "$KITTY_IS_CLONE_LAUNCH"
        set --local orig_conda_env "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
        eval "$KITTY_IS_CLONE_LAUNCH"
        set --local venv "$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/"
        set --global _ksi_sourced
        function _ksi_s_is_ok
            test -z "$_ksi_sourced"
            and string match -q -- "*,$argv[1],*" "$KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_STRATEGIES"
            and return 0
            return 1
        if _ksi_s_is_ok "venv"
            and test -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" -a -r "$venv"
            set _ksi_sourced "y"
            set --erase VIRTUAL_ENV _OLD_FISH_PROMPT_OVERRIDE  # stupidly exports _OLD_FISH_PROMPT_OVERRIDE
            source "$venv"
        if _ksi_s_is_ok "conda"
            and test -n "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" -a "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" != "$orig_conda_env"
            and functions -q conda
            set _ksi_sourced "y"
            conda activate "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
        if _ksi_s_is_ok "env_var"
            and test -n "$KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_CODE"
            set _ksi_sourced "y"
            eval "$KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_CODE"
        if _ksi_s_is_ok "path"
            and test -r "$KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_PATH"
            set _ksi_sourced "y"
            source "$KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_PATH"
        functions --erase _ksi_s_is_ok

        # Ensure PATH has no duplicate entries
        set --local --path new_path
        for p in $PATH
            contains -- "$p" $new_path
            or set --append new_path "$p"
        test (count $new_path) -eq (count $PATH)
        or set --global --export --path PATH $new_path

function edit-in-kitty --wraps "kitten edit-in-kitty" -d "Edit the specified file in a kitty overlay window with your locally installed editor"
    kitten edit-in-kitty $argv

function __ksi_transmit_data -d "Transmit data to kitty using chunked DCS escapes"
    set --local data (string replace --regex --all -- "\s" "" "$argv[1]")
    set --local data_len (string length -- "$data")
    set --local pos 1
    set --local chunk_num 0
    while test "$pos" -le $data_len
        printf \eP@kitty-%s\|%s:%s\e\\ "$argv[2]" "$chunk_num" (string sub --start $pos --length 2048 -- "$data")
        set pos (math $pos + 2048)
        set chunk_num (math $chunk_num + 1)
    printf \eP@kitty-%s\|\e\\ "$argv[2]"

function clone-in-kitty -d "Clone the current fish session into a new kitty window"
    set --local data
    for a in $argv
        if contains -- "$a" -h --help
            echo "Clone the current fish session into a new kitty window."
            echo "For usage instructions see:"
        set --local ea (printf "%s" "$a" | base64)
        set --append data "a=$ea"
    set --local envs
    for e in (set --export --names)
        set --append envs "$e=$$e"
    set --local b64_envs (string join0 -- $envs | base64)
    set --local b64_cwd (printf "%s" "$PWD" | base64)
    set --prepend data "shell=fish" "pid=$fish_pid" "cwd=$b64_cwd" "env=$b64_envs"
    __ksi_transmit_data (string join "," -- $data) "clone"

if [[ "$-" != *i* ]] ; then builtin return; fi  # check in interactive mode
if [[ -z "$KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION" ]]; then builtin return; fi

# Load the normal bash startup files
if [[ -n "$KITTY_BASH_INJECT" ]]; then
    builtin declare kitty_bash_inject="$KITTY_BASH_INJECT"
    builtin declare ksi_val="$KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION"
    builtin unset KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION  # ensure manual sourcing of this file in bashrc does not have any effect
    builtin unset KITTY_BASH_INJECT ENV
    if [[ -z "$HOME" ]]; then HOME=~; fi
    if [[ -z "$KITTY_BASH_ETC_LOCATION" ]]; then KITTY_BASH_ETC_LOCATION="/etc"; fi

    _ksi_sourceable() {
        [[ -f "$1" && -r "$1" ]] && builtin return 0; builtin return 1;

    if [[ -n "$ksi_val" && "$ksi_val" != *no-sudo* && -n "$TERMINFO" && ! ( -r "/usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-kitty" || -r "/usr/share/terminfo/78/xterm-kitty" ) ]]; then
        # this must be done before sourcing user bashrc otherwise aliasing of sudo does not work
        sudo() {
            # Ensure terminfo is available in sudo
            builtin local is_sudoedit="n"
            for arg; do
                if [[ "$arg" == "-e" || $arg == "--edit" ]]; then
                    builtin break;
                [[ "$arg" != -* && "$arg" != *=* ]] && builtin break  # command found
            if [[ "$is_sudoedit" == "y" ]]; then
                builtin command sudo "$@";
                builtin command sudo TERMINFO="$TERMINFO" "$@";

    if [[ "$kitty_bash_inject" == *"posix"* ]]; then
        _ksi_sourceable "$KITTY_BASH_POSIX_ENV" && {
            builtin source "$KITTY_BASH_POSIX_ENV"
            builtin export ENV="$KITTY_BASH_POSIX_ENV"
        builtin set +o posix
        builtin shopt -u inherit_errexit 2>/dev/null  # resetting posix does not clear this
        if [[ -n "$KITTY_BASH_UNEXPORT_HISTFILE" ]]; then
            builtin export -n HISTFILE
            builtin unset KITTY_BASH_UNEXPORT_HISTFILE

        # See run_startup_files() in shell.c in the Bash source code
        if builtin shopt -q login_shell; then
            if [[ "$kitty_bash_inject" != *"no-profile"* ]]; then
                _ksi_sourceable "$KITTY_BASH_ETC_LOCATION/profile" && builtin source "$KITTY_BASH_ETC_LOCATION/profile"
                for _ksi_i in "$HOME/.bash_profile" "$HOME/.bash_login" "$HOME/.profile"; do
                    _ksi_sourceable "$_ksi_i" && { builtin source "$_ksi_i"; break; }
            if [[ "$kitty_bash_inject" != *"no-rc"* ]]; then
                # Linux distros build bash with -DSYS_BASHRC. Unfortunately, there is
                # no way to probe bash for it and different distros use different files
                # Arch, Debian, Ubuntu use /etc/bash.bashrc
                # Fedora uses /etc/bashrc sourced from ~/.bashrc instead of SYS_BASHRC
                # Void Linux uses /etc/bash/bashrc
                for _ksi_i in "$KITTY_BASH_ETC_LOCATION/bash.bashrc" "$KITTY_BASH_ETC_LOCATION/bash/bashrc" ; do
                    _ksi_sourceable "$_ksi_i" && { builtin source "$_ksi_i"; break; }
                if [[ -z "$KITTY_BASH_RCFILE" ]]; then KITTY_BASH_RCFILE="$HOME/.bashrc"; fi
                _ksi_sourceable "$KITTY_BASH_RCFILE" && builtin source "$KITTY_BASH_RCFILE"
    builtin unset -f _ksi_sourceable
    builtin export KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION="$ksi_val"
    builtin unset _ksi_i ksi_val kitty_bash_inject

if [ "${BASH_VERSINFO:-0}" -lt 4 ]; then
    builtin printf "%s\n" "Bash version ${BASH_VERSION} too old, kitty shell integration disabled" > /dev/stderr
    builtin return

if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[sourced]}" == "y" ]]; then
    # we have already run
    builtin return

# this is defined outside _ksi_main to make it global without using declare -g
# which is not available on older bash
builtin declare -A _ksi_prompt
    [cursor]='y' [title]='y' [mark]='y' [complete]='y' [cwd]='y' [sudo]='y' [ps0]='' [ps0_suffix]='' [ps1]='' [ps1_suffix]='' [ps2]=''
    [hostname_prefix]='' [sourced]='y' [last_reported_cwd]=''

_ksi_main() {
    builtin local ifs="$IFS" i
    IFS=" "
    for i in ${KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION[@]}; do
        case "$i" in
            "no-cursor") _ksi_prompt[cursor]='n';;
            "no-title") _ksi_prompt[title]='n';;
            "no-prompt-mark") _ksi_prompt[mark]='n';;
            "no-complete") _ksi_prompt[complete]='n';;
            "no-cwd") _ksi_prompt[cwd]='n';;
            "no-sudo") _ksi_prompt[sudo]='n';;


    _ksi_debug_print() {
        # print a line to STDERR of parent kitty process
        builtin local b
        b=$(builtin command base64 <<< "${@}")
        builtin printf "\eP@kitty-print|%s\e\\" "${b//[[:space:]]}}"

    _ksi_set_mark() {

    _ksi_set_mark start
    _ksi_set_mark end
    _ksi_set_mark start_secondary
    _ksi_set_mark end_secondary
    _ksi_set_mark start_suffix
    _ksi_set_mark end_suffix
    builtin unset -f _ksi_set_mark

    _ksi_prompt_command() {
        # we first remove any previously added kitty code from the prompt variables and then add
        # it back, to ensure we have only a single instance
        if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps0]}" ]]; then
        if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps0_suffix]}" ]]; then
        # restore PS1 to its pristine state without our additions
        if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps1]}" ]]; then
        if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps1_suffix]}" ]]; then
        if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps1]}" ]]; then
            if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[mark]}" == "y" && ( "${PS1}" == *"\n"* || "${PS1}" == *$'\n'* ) ]]; then
                builtin local oldval
                oldval=$(builtin shopt -p extglob)
                builtin shopt -s extglob
                # bash does not redraw the leading lines in a multiline prompt so
                # mark the last line as a secondary prompt. Otherwise on resize the
                # lines before the last line will be erased by kitty.
                # the first part removes everything from the last \n onwards
                # the second part appends a newline with the secondary marking
                # the third part appends everything after the last newline
                builtin eval "$oldval"
        if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps1_suffix]}" ]]; then
        if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps2]}" ]]; then

        if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[cwd]}" == "y" ]]; then
            # unfortunately bash provides no hooks to detect cwd changes
            # in particular this means cwd reporting will not happen for a
            # command like cd /test && cat. PS0 is evaluated before cd is run.
            if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[last_reported_cwd]}" != "$PWD" ]]; then
                builtin printf "\e]7;kitty-shell-cwd://%s%s\a" "$HOSTNAME" "$PWD"

    if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[cursor]}" == "y" ]]; then
        _ksi_prompt[ps1_suffix]+="\[\e[5 q\]"  # blinking bar cursor
        _ksi_prompt[ps0_suffix]+="\[\e[0 q\]"  # blinking default cursor

    if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[title]}" == "y" ||  "${_ksi_prompt[mark]}" ]]; then
        _ksi_get_current_command() {
            builtin local last_cmd
            last_cmd=$(HISTTIMEFORMAT= builtin history 1)
            last_cmd="${last_cmd#*[[:digit:]]*[[:space:]]}"  # remove leading history number
            last_cmd="${last_cmd#"${last_cmd%%[![:space:]]*}"}"  # remove remaining leading whitespace
            if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[title]}" == "y" ]]; then
                builtin printf "\e]2;%s%s\a" "${_ksi_prompt[hostname_prefix]@P}" "${last_cmd//[[:cntrl:]]}" # removes any control characters
            if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[mark]}" == "y" ]]; then
                builtin printf "\e]133;C;cmdline=%q\a" "$last_cmd"
        _ksi_prompt[ps0]+='$(_ksi_get_current_command > /dev/tty)';

    if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[title]}" == "y" ]]; then
        if [[ -z "$KITTY_PID" ]]; then
            if [[ -n "$SSH_TTY" || -n "$SSH2_TTY$KITTY_WINDOW_ID" ]]; then
                # connected to most SSH servers
                # or use ssh kitten to connected to some SSH servers that do not set SSH_TTY
                _ksi_prompt[hostname_prefix]="\h: "
            elif [[ -n "$(builtin command -v who)" && "$(builtin command who -m 2> /dev/null)" =~ "\([a-fA-F.:0-9]+\)$" ]]; then
                # the shell integration script is installed manually on the remote system
                # the environment variables are cleared after sudo
                # OpenSSH's sshd creates entries in utmp for every login so use those
                _ksi_prompt[hostname_prefix]="\h: "
        # see
        # we use suffix here because some distros add title setting to their bashrc files by default
        if [[ "$HISTCONTROL" == *"ignoreboth"* ]] || [[ "$HISTCONTROL" == *"ignorespace"* ]]; then
            _ksi_debug_print "ignoreboth or ignorespace present in bash HISTCONTROL setting, showing running command will not be robust"

    if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[mark]}" == "y" ]]; then
        # this can result in multiple D prompt marks or ones that dont
        # correspond to a cmd but kitty handles this gracefully, only
        # taking into account the first D after a C.

    builtin alias edit-in-kitty="kitten edit-in-kitty"

    if [[ "${_ksi_prompt[complete]}" == "y" ]]; then
        _ksi_completions() {
            builtin local src
            builtin local limit
            # Send all words up to the word the cursor is currently on
            builtin let limit=1+$COMP_CWORD
            src=$(builtin printf "%s\n" "${COMP_WORDS[@]:0:$limit}" | builtin command kitten __complete__ bash)
            if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
                builtin eval "${src}"
        builtin complete -F _ksi_completions kitty
        builtin complete -F _ksi_completions edit-in-kitty
        builtin complete -F _ksi_completions clone-in-kitty
        builtin complete -F _ksi_completions kitten

    # wrap our prompt additions in markers we can use to remove them using
    # bash's anemic pattern substitution
    if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps0]}" ]]; then
    if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps0_suffix]}" ]]; then
    if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps1]}" ]]; then
    if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps1_suffix]}" ]]; then
    if [[ -n "${_ksi_prompt[ps2]}" ]]; then
    # BASH aborts the entire script when doing unset with failglob set, somebody should report this upstream
    builtin local oldval
    oldval=$(builtin shopt -p failglob)
    builtin shopt -u failglob
    builtin unset _ksi_prompt[start_mark] _ksi_prompt[end_mark] _ksi_prompt[start_suffix_mark] _ksi_prompt[end_suffix_mark] _ksi_prompt[start_secondary_mark] _ksi_prompt[end_secondary_mark]
    builtin eval "$oldval"

    # install our prompt command, using an array if it is unset or already an array,
    # otherwise append a string. We check if _ksi_prompt_command exists as some shell
    # scripts stupidly export PROMPT_COMMAND making it inherited by all programs launched
    # from the shell
    builtin local pc
    pc='builtin declare -F _ksi_prompt_command > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && _ksi_prompt_command'
    if [[ -z "${PROMPT_COMMAND[*]}" ]]; then
    elif [[ $(builtin declare -p PROMPT_COMMAND 2> /dev/null) =~ 'declare -a PROMPT_COMMAND' ]]; then
        builtin local oldval
        oldval=$(builtin shopt -p extglob)
        builtin shopt -s extglob
        builtin eval "$oldval"
        PROMPT_COMMAND+="; $pc"
    if [ -n "${KITTY_IS_CLONE_LAUNCH}" ]; then
        builtin local orig_conda_env="$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
        builtin eval "${KITTY_IS_CLONE_LAUNCH}"
        builtin hash -r 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null
        builtin local venv="${VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin/activate"
        builtin local sourced=""
        _ksi_s_is_ok() {
            [[ -z "$sourced" && "$KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_STRATEGIES" == *",$1,"* ]] && builtin return 0
            builtin return 1

        if _ksi_s_is_ok "venv" && [ -n "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" -a -r "$venv" ]; then
            builtin unset VIRTUAL_ENV
            builtin source "$venv"
        fi; if _ksi_s_is_ok "conda" && [ -n "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}" ] && builtin command -v conda >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && [ "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}" != "$orig_conda_env" ]; then
            conda activate "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}"
        fi; if _ksi_s_is_ok "env_var" && [[ -n "${KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_CODE}" ]]; then
            builtin eval "${KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_CODE}"
        fi; if _ksi_s_is_ok "path" && [[ -r "${KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_PATH}" ]]; then
            builtin source "${KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_PATH}"
        builtin unset -f _ksi_s_is_ok
        # Ensure PATH has no duplicate entries
        if [ -n "$PATH" ]; then
            builtin local old_PATH=$PATH:; PATH=
            while [ -n "$old_PATH" ]; do
                builtin local x
                case $PATH: in
                    *:"$x":*) ;;
                    *) PATH=$PATH:$x;;
builtin unset -f _ksi_main

case :$SHELLOPTS: in
  *:posix:*) ;;

_ksi_transmit_data() {
    builtin local data
    builtin local pos=0
    builtin local chunk_num=0
    while [ $pos -lt ${#data} ]; do
        builtin local chunk="${data:$pos:2048}"
        builtin printf '\eP@kitty-%s|%s:%s\e\\' "${2}" "${chunk_num}" "${chunk}"
    # save history so it is available in new shell
    [ "$3" = "save_history" ] && builtin history -a
    builtin printf '\eP@kitty-%s|\e\\' "${2}"

clone-in-kitty() {
    builtin local bv="${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}.${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}.${BASH_VERSINFO[2]}"
    builtin local data="shell=bash,pid=$$,bash_version=$bv,cwd=$(builtin printf "%s" "$PWD" | builtin command base64),envfmt=bash,env=$(builtin export | builtin command base64)"
    while :; do
        case "$1" in
            "") break;;
                builtin printf "%s\n\n%s\n" "Clone the current bash session into a new kitty window." "For usage instructions see:"
                builtin return
            *) data="$data,a=$(builtin printf "%s" "$1" | builtin command base64)";;
    _ksi_transmit_data "$data" "clone" "save_history"


Shell integration over SSH

The easiest way to have shell integration work when SSHing into remote systems is to use the ssh kitten. Simply run:

kitten ssh hostname

And, by magic, you will be logged into the remote system with fully functional shell integration. Alternately, you can setup shell integration manually, by copying the kitty shell integration scripts to the remote server and editing the shell rc files there, as described below.

Shell integration in a container

Install the kitten standalone binary in the container somewhere in the PATH, then you can log into the container with:

docker exec -ti container-id kitten run-shell --shell=/path/to/your/shell/in/the/container

The kitten will even take care of making the kitty terminfo database available in the container automatically.

Clone the current shell into a new window

You can clone the current shell into a new kitty window by simply running the clone-in-kitty command, for example:

clone-in-kitty --type=tab
clone-in-kitty --title "I am a clone"

This will open a new window running a new shell instance but with all environment variables and the current working directory copied. This even works over SSH when using Truly convenient SSH.

The clone-in-kitty command takes almost all the same arguments as the launch command, so you can open a new tab instead or a new OS window, etc. Arguments of launch that can cause code execution or that don’t make sense when cloning are ignored. Most prominently, the following options are ignored: --allow-remote-control, --copy-cmdline, --copy-env, --stdin-source, --marker and --watcher.

clone-in-kitty can be configured to source arbitrary code in the cloned window using environment variables. It will automatically clone virtual environments created by the Python venv module or Conda. In addition, setting the env var KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_CODE to some shell code will cause that code to be run in the cloned window with eval. Similarly, setting KITTY_CLONE_SOURCE_PATH to the path of a file will cause that file to be sourced in the cloned window. This can be controlled by clone_source_strategies.

clone-in-kitty works by asking the shell to serialize its internal state (mainly CWD and env vars) and this state is transmitted to kitty and restored by the shell integration scripts in the cloned window.

Edit files in new kitty windows even over SSH

edit-in-kitty myfile.txt
edit-in-kitty --type tab --title "Editing My File" myfile.txt
# open myfile.txt at line 75 (works with vim, neovim, emacs, nano, micro)
edit-in-kitty +75 myfile.txt

The edit-in-kitty command allows you to seamlessly edit files in your default editor in new kitty windows. This works even over SSH (if you use the ssh kitten), allowing you to easily edit remote files in your local editor with all its bells and whistles.

The edit-in-kitty command takes almost all the same arguments as the launch command, so you can open a new tab instead or a new OS window, etc. Not all arguments are supported, see the discussion in the Clone the current shell into a new window section above.

In order to avoid remote code execution, kitty will only execute the configured editor and pass the file path to edit to it.


To edit files using sudo the best method is to set the SUDO_EDITOR environment variable to kitten edit-in-kitty and then edit the file using the sudoedit or sudo -e commands.

Using shell integration in sub-shells, containers, etc.

Added in version 0.29.0.

To start a sub-shell with shell integration automatically setup, simply run:

kitten run-shell

This will start a sub-shell using the same binary as the currently running shell, with shell-integration enabled. To start a particular shell use:

kitten run-shell --shell=/bin/bash

To run a command before starting the shell use:

kitten run-shell ls .

This will run ls . before starting the shell.

This will even work on remote systems where kitty itself is not installed, provided you use the SSH kitten to connect to the system. Use kitten run-shell --help to learn more.

Manual shell integration

The automatic shell integration is designed to be minimally intrusive, as such it won’t work for sub-shells, terminal multiplexers, containers, etc. For such systems, you should either use the run-shell command described above or setup manual shell integration by adding some code to your shells startup files to load the shell integration script.

First, in kitty.conf set:

shell_integration disabled

Then in your shell’s rc file, add the lines:

if test -n "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR"; then
    export KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION="enabled"
    autoload -Uz -- "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR"/shell-integration/zsh/kitty-integration
    unfunction kitty-integration
    set --global KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION enabled
    source "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/fish/vendor_conf.d/"
    set --prepend fish_complete_path "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/fish/vendor_completions.d"
if test -n "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR"; then
    export KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION="enabled"
    source "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/bash/kitty.bash"

The value of KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION is the same as that for shell_integration, except if you want to disable shell integration completely, in which case simply do not set the KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION variable at all.

In a container, you will need to install the kitty shell integration scripts and make sure the KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR environment variable is set to point to the location of the scripts.

Integration with other shells

There exist third-party integrations to use these features for various other shells:

  • Jupyter console and IPython via a patch (#4475)

  • xonsh

  • Nushell: Set $env.config.shell_integration = true in your to enable it.

Notes for shell developers

The protocol used for marking the prompt is very simple. You should consider adding it to your shell as a builtin. Many modern terminals make use of it, for example: kitty, iTerm2, WezTerm, DomTerm

Just before starting to draw the PS1 prompt send the escape code:


Just before starting to draw the PS2 prompt send the escape code:


Just before running a command/program, send the escape code:


Optionally, when a command is finished its “exit status” can be reported as:

<OSC>133;D;exit status as base 10 integer<ST>

Here <OSC> is the bytes 0x1b 0x5d and <ST> is the bytes 0x1b 0x5c. This is exactly what is needed for shell integration in kitty. For the full protocol, that also marks the command region, see the iTerm2 docs.

kitty additionally supports several extra fields for the <OSC>133;A command to control its behavior, separated by semi-colons. They are:

redraw=0 - this tells kitty that the shell will not redraw the prompt on
resize so it should not erase it

special_key=1 - this tells kitty to use a special key instead of arrow keys
to move the cursor on mouse click. Useful if arrow keys have side-effects
like triggering auto complete. The shell integration script then binds the
special key, as needed.

k=s - this tells kitty that the secondary (PS2) prompt is starting at the
current line.

click_events=1 - this tells kitty that the shell is capable of handling
mouse click events. kitty will thus send a click event to the shell when
the user clicks somewhere in the prompt. The shell can then move the cursor
to that position or perform some other appropriate action. Without this,
kitty will instead generate a number of fake key events to move the cursor
to the clicked location, which is not fully robust.

kitty also optionally supports sending the cmdline going to be executed with <OSC>133;C as:

<OSC>133;C;cmdline=cmdline encoded by %q<ST>
<OSC>133;C;cmdline_url=cmdline as UTF-8 URL %-escaped text<ST>

Here, encoded by %q means the encoding produced by the %q format to printf in bash and similar shells. Which is basically shell escaping with the addition of using ANSI C quoting for control characters ($'' quoting).